If you regret a purchase, you are always welcome to return it.
You can return your order up to 30 days after the delivery.
You will have to purchase a return label from a courier and address the parcel to this address:
Studio Feder
c/o Textile Logistics
Fabriksvej 20, Port 7-9
7441 Bording
We advise to return the parcel with a trackable track and trace number and never to a parcel shop or pick-up-point. Parcels delivered to a parcel shop will not be picked up and they will be returned to the customer. Return expenses are paid for by the customer.
When returned and received at the noted address, we will process your return as quickly as possible. Please note that this can take up to 10 business days.
Please note, that some terms apply on your return.
You are responsible for the package until it reaches our stock.